How to Import Orders?
This block will give you information on how to import orders.
To perform import order operations you must have to enable the import orders option from the General Settings tab.

Once you have enabled the import orders option then there are 3 new options. Insert Order, Update Order, and Delete Order.

Insert Order, Update Order, and Delete Order will automatically add an insert, update and delete sheet headers.

After saving settings, Our plugin code will auto add sheet headers respectively.

When importing orders, you’ll need to specify the status for each order under the ‘Order Status’ column in your Google Sheet. If no status is provided during import, the default status assigned to the order will be ‘pending’.
Here’s a list of woocommerce default order statuses you can write into the ‘Order Status’ column:
- pending
- processing
- on-hold
- completed
- cancelled
- refunded
- failed
Please ensure to write the appropriate status for each order in the ‘Order Status’ column.
1. Insert Order
To insert a new order write 1 in the insert column of the sheet and add all your order data at the bottom of the sheet data don’t include the order data row in between existing rows. You need at least one product to insert a new order without a product you can not insert order and don’t write anything in the Order Id column.
You can insert simple orders with product data, billing-shipping details, apply coupons, you can also add a custom discount to any product and the total of the order will be automatically calculated based on the given product and coupon details.
To insert new order with product wise row format follow below steps
- After adding order data into row write id of the product you want to add into the order in Product ID header column and add quantity of the product in Product Quantity header column of the row in which you have written your order data.
- If you want to add more than one product then write product id in seperate row and write 2 in insert column.
- If you want to add a custom discount for the product then write the discount in the Product Quantity header column in the round brackets along with product quantity like this “2(30)” Here product quantity = 2 and product custom discount = 30.
- If you don’t want to add custom discount then just write quantity in Product Quantity header column. Product Quantity header column is must for custom product discount.
To insert new order with order wise row format follow below steps
- After adding order data into row write Product name(QTY)(SKU)(Custom Product Discount) of the product you want to add to order in Product name(QTY)(SKU) header column.
- If you want more than one product in your order then write the comma-separated values of the Product name(QTY)(SKU)(Custom Product Discount) in the same row in which you have written your order data.
- If you want to add custom discount for product then write like this Product name(QTY)(SKU)(Custom Product Discount) otherwise write Product name(QTY)(SKU)() leave last bracket blank.
- You must have to add 3 brackets first for quantity, second for product sku, third for custom product discount to insert product in order.
If you didn’t give any product quantity then by default it will take 1 product quantity but product id and 2 in the insert column(for more than one product) is a must for product wise format and product name(qty)(sku)() is a must for order wise format.
Here is an example to show you how you can insert orders. In this example, we add the order data in product wise format.
Original Sheet

Updated Sheet

Here is an example to show you how you can insert orders. In this example, we add the order data in order wise format.
Original sheet

Updated Sheet

Once you have made changes within your spreadsheet respectively with your need then you need to click on Import Order and follow the below steps.

2. Update Order
If you want to update any order row then add 1 in the update column from a spreadsheet.
Here is an example to show you how you can update orders. In this example, we changed the order data of 81 order Id.
Original Sheet

- Billing First name Test to Testing
- Billing Last name test to Last
- Billing Address 1 Test to Billing Address
- Shipping First Name to Test
- Update to 1
For example, you can make changes as per your need. You must have to add 1 within the Update column of the spreadsheet. After that click on the import order button in the settings and proceed.

Updated Spreadsheet

3. Delete Order
To perform delete order operation then need to add 1 in the delete column of that Order Id row within the spreadsheet. After that click on the import order button in the settings and proceed.

Please make sure you have added 1 to the correct Order ID row as you want to delete the order.

Updated Spreadsheet