WPSyncSheets For Woocommerce

WooCommerce Google Spreadsheet Addon

How to Import Customers?

This block will give you information on how to import customers.

To perform import customer operations you must have to enable the import customer option from the customer settings tab.

Once you have enabled the import customers option then there are 3 new options. Insert Customer, Update Customer, and Delete Customer.

Insert Customer, Update Customer, and Delete Customer will automatically add an insert, update and delete sheet headers.

After saving settings, Our plugin code will auto add sheet headers respectively.

1. Update Customer

If you want to update any customer row then add 1 in the update column from a spreadsheet.

Here is an example to show you how you can update customers. In this example, we changed the customer with 2 customer Id.

Original Sheet

  • Customer FirstName test to Testing
  • Customer LastName testing to Last
  • Customer Nickname test testing to TestingLast
  • Customer Biographical Info test to Biographical Info
  • Update to 1

For example, you can make changes as per your need. You must have to add 1 within the Update column of the spreadsheet.

Whenever you try to update any customer data from a spreadsheet keep in mind that Customer Username and Customer Profile Image values can not be changed from the spreadsheet so if you want to change Customer Profile Image then you have to edit it from the backend. Customer Username , Customer EmailID, and Customer Nickname are mandatory fields for updating customer data so it can not be passed blank.

Once you have made changes within your spreadsheet respectively with your need then you need to click on Import Customer and follow the below steps.

Updated Spreadsheet

2. Insert Customer

If a user wants to add a new customer via spreadsheet then the user must have to add 1 within the Insert column of the spreadsheet. Please make sure you have added the Customer Username within the row as the user wants to insert it. Customer Username and Customer EmailID are mandatory for a new customer and they must be unique values.

Updated Spreadsheet

3. Delete Customer

To perform the delete customer operation then need to add 1 in the delete column of that Customer Id row within the spreadsheet.

Please make sure you have added 1 to the correct Customer ID row as you want to delete the customer.

Updated Spreadsheet

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Disclaimer: WPSyncSheets is an independent product by Creative Werk Designs. It does not represent WooCommerce, Elementor, Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, Fluent Forms, Formidable Forms and WPForms websites.