How to Import Attributes?
This block will give you information on how to import Attributes.
To perform import attribute operations you must have to enable the import product attributes option from the product settings tab.

Once you have enabled and saved the import product attributes option new sheet(Product Attributes) is automatically created in the product spreadsheet as you have created to manage products.
Two new buttons appear after saving settings as you can see in the above screenshot.
Click to Sync – Click to sync your existing global attributes to the sheet.
Import Attributes – Before clicking on this button please keep in mind that you have to add 1 to respective columns. There are 3 columns( Insert, Update, Delete ) where you can add 1 to perform the operation.
For import terms, you have to first insert the attribute and after the attribute is imported successfully you have to insert your terms in the Attribute Terms column and add 1 in the Update column
Add 1 in the Insert column if you want to create a new attribute and please keep the Attribute ID and Attribute Terms column blank. Please see the below screenshot for more understanding.

Add 1 in the Update column if you want to update existing attribute details. Please see the below screenshot for more understanding.

Add 1 in the Delete column if you want to delete an existing attribute. Please see the below screenshot for more understanding.

You can make changes as per your need.
Once you have made changes within your spreadsheet respectively to your requirements then you need to click on Import Attributes and follow the below steps.

Click on Proceed.

After clicking on proceed button all operations will perform automatically and once complete you will get a success message.