How to Import Posts?
This block will give you information on how to import posts.
To perform import post operations you must have to enable the import posts option from the General Settings tab.

Once you have enabled the import orders option then there are 3 new options. Insert Post, Update Post, and Delete Post.

Insert Post, Update Post, and Delete Post will automatically add an insert, update and delete sheet headers.

After saving settings, Our plugin code will auto-add sheet headers respectively.

1. Insert Post
To insert a new post write 1 in the insert column of the sheet and add all your post data in the sheet row. Don’t write anything in the Post Id column.
If you didn’t give any status then by default it will publish as a post status.
Here is an example to show you how you can insert posts. In this example, we add the post data to the sheet.
Original Sheet

Updated Sheet

Once you have made changes within your spreadsheet respectively with your need then you need to click on Import Post and follow the below steps.

2. Update Post
If you want to update any post then add 1 in the update column of the row respective to the post id in a spreadsheet.
Here is an example to show you how you can update posts. In this example, we changed the post content which is the description of the post with 1 post Id.
Original Sheet

You can make changes as per your need but You must have to add 1 within the Update column of the spreadsheet. After that click on the import post button in the settings and proceed.

Updated Spreadsheet

3. Delete Post
To perform the delete post-operation you need to add 1 in the delete column of that Post Id row within the spreadsheet. After that click on the import post button in the settings and proceed.

Please make sure you have added 1 to the correct Post ID row for which you want to delete the post.

Updated Spreadsheet