How to Import Entries?
This block will give you information on how to import entries.
To perform import entries operation you must have to save the feed settings. Be sure that you mapped the right fields in feed settings as per your sheet entry data because the entry data will be saved in whichever field it is mapped with.
For example
In your sheet Name (First) column has Name (Last) field values so you must have to map the Name (First) field with Name (Last) in feed settings otherwise when you click on the Import Entries button it will save the Name (Last) entry value in Name (First) field and your data will mismatch so map fields accordingly.
Original Sheet

Entries before import

Now click on the Click to Import Entries button as shown in the image

Updated Sheet

Entries after import

Keep in mind that import entries will only create entries of your sheet into forms and add only those entries that were created with it into the sheet other entries will not be appended in the sheet so if you want all entries then you have to sync all entries using click to sync button.